Tag Archives: pain reduction

Reflexology Points on Your Hand

reflexology hand

Usually we can find instructions on how to do reflexology on your feet, so when i found this extensive map of body organs and systems in and on the hand, needless to say i was very excited.

I am also including a reflexology map for the feet also; what i like to do is apply essential oils on reflexology points for discomfort, pain and other issues so now you can hit those points on your hands, which can be much easier than on your feet…enjoy and help your holiday stress with essential oils and reflexology.

reflexology feet

Have You Heard of Oil Pulling? Here is some info….

oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvdeic natural remedy for improving health.  It involves using pure organic coconut oil to pull harmful bacteria, fungus, and other harmful organisms from your mouth, teeth, throat and body.

I have been doing oil pulling ever since I heard of it and have added it to my daily routine of health, it is amazing how it makes my mouth feel and I don’t have any sinus flair ups anymore.  I am sure it has done much more for my overall health as I have reviewed the list below of the benefits for oil pulling.

Here are the directions for performing oil pulling:

Oil pull first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Use 1tsp to 1T of organic coconut oil, I would suggest when first starting to start with a smaller amount until you get use to it and then you can add more if you wish.

Swish in mouth and thru teeth continually for 20 minutes, you may have to soften by a chewing motion to liquefy the coconut oil from the jar.  It is best to do this while you are doing things as it makes the time go faster and you can get the 20 minutes completed.

Discard oil into a container, not down the drain and/or toilet; I use an empty supplement bottle. If you put the oil down the drains it will harden and clog your drains

Brush and floss teeth as usual

Do not gargle the oil

If you have a serious and/or annoying situation, you can do this more than once a day until you get relief.

Here is the list of the benefits of oil pulling:

Cures tooth decay
Kills bad breath
Heals bleeding gums
Prevents heart disease
Reduces inflammation
Boosts immune system
Soothes dry throat
Reduces morning sickness
Whitens teeth
Heals cracked lips
Improves acne
Strengthens gums
Prevents cavities
Clears sinuses
Increases energy
Improves PMS symptoms
Relieves tooth aches
Cleans and reduces plaque
Cleans tongue

If you have any questions just ask and I will help you through your learning curve..happy oil pulling!!!!

oil pulling2


Why I Went Gluten Free

GMO companies

Are you gluten intolerant or poison intolerant?

I went gluten free and organic with no GMO products when the light bulb went on what was being done to our food supplies here in the USA. I am going to just give you a small intro into the poison that is used to process our foods by the name of glyphosate and it is found in Roundup. Here goes…

There is a company called Monsanto they are the manufacturer of Roundup…

“Monsanto knows exactly what harm is being done to your gut by their RoundUp Ready GMOs. In 2003, Monsanto filed their application to patent glyphosate as an antibiotic/antimicrobial. The patent was granted in 2010. Studies show that glyphosate kills beneficial gut flora. 70%+ of our immune system resides in our gut. Kill the good stuff and the bad stuff can make you sick, overweight, or BOTH.”

This is why I went gluten free so I could control my beneficial gut flora and not eat the crops that are planted and harvest with Roundup…this is how it is done…

“While glyphosate goes hand in hand with GM agriculture, many people are unaware that glyphosate is also used on many non-GMO crops as a desiccant, ripening or drying agent. When these crops (such as wheat, barley, sugar cane, oats, lentils, edible peas, sunflowers, potatoes and cantaloupe) are nearly mature, farmers are allowed to spray glyphosate herbicides on the crop to kill the plant which causes it to dry down for a quicker harvest.”

All of this extends beyond the health of what we eat; it also includes the feeding of cattle and poultry, which in turn we eat also. The majority of American consumers who don’t even have the legal right to know through truthful labeling if they are eating GMOs, are consuming non-organic, Roundup Ready soy, canola, cottonseed or soy on a daily basis, and therefore are being exposed to glyphosate residues year round; additionally, animals fed Roundup sprayed GMO plants will bioaccumulate glyphosate and/or glyphosate metabolites, adding to the consumer’s bodily burden of these gut flora-altering, highly toxic chemicals.

This is why it is so important to know where your food items are coming from and what they have been fed, as leaky gut and many of current diseases that are at epidemic levels are caused by this chemical in our foods…it is criminal to say the least. There is much more to this story, I just want to have my readers become aware and to have them do their own research according to their own life styles.

Please stop using Roundup on your own property also; there are several recipes of essential oils and non toxic weed killers you can use that are not dangerous to your health and that of others.

Here are the countries that have banned GMO farming in them: Italy, Ireland, Scotland, France, Greece, Latvia, Germany, Iceland, Hungry, India, and Indonesia. What is important to know is that even though they don’t grow them, they can still import them, but they require labeling them as such.

Please be responsible and protect yourself and your family by getting informed on this information. I have included the companies owned by Monsanto that sell their GMO products. GMO = Generic Modified Organism

monsanto company

My Wellness Schedule


I have referred to my wellness schedule several times so thought it was about time to share that with you, you may be interested in some of it, all of it and/or none of it….giggles. So here goes…

First thing upon waking up I drink about an 8oz glass of water that I put by my bed before I go to bed and take Serrapeptase which is a supplement that clears out and keeps clear your veins of plaque etc, it is said that if you take this on a regular basis your chances of a stroke or heart attack is greatly reduced.

I don’t take anything for 30 minutes after I do this, then I fix my coffee and sit in the sun and/or porch for at least 20 minutes, then I come in and fix my collagen drink, which is 2T of fresh squeezed lemon juice; 1 scoop of collagen powder; and about 1 to 2 T of structured water…shake really well until the powder is mixed with the liquid.

Then I take two ice cubes to put at the nap of my neck, my drink and turn on my DNA Repair meditation tone, I drink the drink and apply the ice cubes and listen to the meditation which takes about 40 min.

Then I fix my detox drink which consists of 2T of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2T of Braggi Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, a couple dashes of cayenne pepper, mix very well and drink…(shiver and shake your head…giggle). Wait 30 minutes and then you are ready to eat…

Eating means a smoothie…this is what mine consists of; at least ¼ c of blueberries (I freeze them so they sort of act like ice cubes) ¼ c of coconut milk; 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, 1T of sprouted flax powder, 1 scoop of grass fed-gluten free-gmo free-whey powder, 1 scoop of green veggie and fruit powder again gluten free-gmo free-organic-raw, add a splash of structured water if too thick..blend in blender until completely mixed.

Then I take my supplements after the smoothie; I am not going to list those as supplements are a very individual thing according to each person.

While drinking/eating this I listen to vibrational tone music for healing myself and the world, this takes about 30 to 40 minutes.

In between everything, somewhere I squeeze in oil pulling and spraying magnesium oil on…by 1:00 I am ready to go…giggles

I am healed and the world is healed…this is how I spend my time in my 8X10 sanctuary…holding the love and light for all of us. I love you all!!!!!


Grounding For Your Health

The terms “earthing” and “grounding” refer to walking barefoot on the earth, which allows for the transfer of free electrons from the earth into your body, through the soles of your feet.

These free electrons are among the most potent antioxidants known, and the effects of grounding have been shown to promote health in a number of ways.

For starters, walking barefoot can help improve the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation from cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi a huge benefit for those of us that live your lives with electronics.

Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation because it thins your blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions. Inflammation thrives when your blood is thick and you have a lot of free radical stress and positive charges in your body.

It is important to know that not all surfaces allow you to ground. Effective outdoor grounding surfaces include sand, grass, bare soil, and unpainted/unsealed concrete and brick. It is possible for you to be grounded even if you’re not barefoot by wearing leather-soled footwear when you walk across these surfaces. The effect is not as effective as barefoot but it’s still present. When walking barefoot on grass, it is best if it is damp and you also want to make sure that it has not been sprayed with round-up or any other weed killers, as they are very toxic.

Being grounded in a modern dwelling is another matter. Grounding inside your home is almost impossible, as many common flooring materials are poor conductors. This includes wood and insulating materials, vinyl, carpet, sealed tiles, and marble if it’s chemically treated and placed on top of sealed concrete.

Does Your Elevation Impact Grounding?

The simple answer to this question is…yes. When you are grounded, meaning in contact with the Earth, it’s impossible for your body to carry a charge, which is good. The more distance there is between you and the Earth, the greater charge your body carries.

For every meter you are above the ground, 300 volts of charge will build up in your body. So if you are in a second story bedroom, your charge would be 1,000 volts; this voltage charge could increase your risk of health problems. For example, a study in 2009 found a 40 percent increase in strokes among people living in multistory homes.

You can do grounding indoors, this is best done by using a grounding pad or wrist and ankle bands. These work well provided you have a grounded electrical outlet, and can be particularly beneficial if you live in a high-rise building. You can identify a grounded outlet by the fact it’s a 3-prong outlet. Most modern homes built after 1970 will have a grounded electrical system. When using an earthing mat, make sure your bare skin is in contact with it, there should not be a layer of clothing between you and the mat.

How Grounding Benefits Your Blood

Another reason grounding is so beneficial is how it affects your blood. High-sugar diet, smoking, electromagnetic forces, emotional stress, anxiety, high cholesterol, and high uric acid tend to make your blood thicker and slow-moving which increases your risk of having a blood clot or stroke. Thicker blood is the cause of inflammation, because when your blood does not flow well, oxygen can’t get to your tissues.

Grounding helps thin your blood meaning it improves the energy between your red blood cells. When you ground to the earth, your red blood cells now have more charge on their surface, which forces them apart from each other. This action causes your blood to thin and flow easier. It also causes your blood pressure to drop.

Grounding Is a Foundational Aspect for Optimal Health

Free radical stress from toxic exposures associated with modern life continually depletes your body of electrons. This is one of the primary reasons why you need to eat an antioxidant-rich diet, as antioxidants donate electrons back into your body, thereby helping to help ward off free radical damage to your tissues. However, you don’t have to swallow them all. You can also get these electrons by going barefoot outside.

Grounding also helps calm your sympathetic nervous system, which supports your heart rate variability. This in turn plays an important role in balancing your autonomic nervous system. Pain relief, improved sleep, and a generally enhanced sense of well-being are but a few of the health benefits reported by people who try grounding.

If you are deficient in electrons, your body is unable to effectively combat inflammation. Grounding is one of the key mechanisms by which your body maintains equilibrium and health. The human body evolved in constant contact with the Earth, and your body needs this continuous interchange of energy in order to function properly.

When you stand barefoot on bare earth or sand, electrons from the Earth flow into your body; giving you a natural “transfusion” of healing power. This occurs until you equalize with the Earth, so you never have to worry about getting too much. The process simply stops when your charge returns to zero. It’s as safe and natural as it gets.

Grounding mats and bands, along with many other products can be purchased at http://www.earthing.com, there is also books and other interesting information on their website. I have been using the bands for over 6 months and have noticed a huge difference in my health issues and my level of pain relief. I am unable to walk barefoot because of my polio issues so these work perfectly for me.

walking on sand

Essential Oils and Reflexology

When I first was introduced to essential oils I had my doubts that they could be so effective, however, my doubts have been squelched and I am now a firm advocate of them. One thing to remember is that the oils need to be therapeutic grade and the most popular place to find this kind is online.

The next thing to know is that many times the results are not immediate and the results can be subtle, however, if you are consistent, the results will be there for you.

When I was four I contracted polio and have worked with that physical limitation all of my life, I refer to myself as physically challenged not handicapped and today I keep myself healthy thru natural and holistic methods. I don’t take any medications, not even aspirin – I am happy, joyful and free with my lifestyle.

With that said…I do have what I call discomfort (others use the term pain – I don’t use that term as I am of the understanding that my body reacts to what I say) and how I am dealing with my discomforts is with essential oils and grounding, today I am going to talk about essential oils.

This is my recipe for Comfort Oil that I use:

5 drops Cypress
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Helichrysum
5 drops Bergamot
5 drops Cedarwood

This goes in a carrier oil of Fractionated Organic Therapeutic Grade Coconut Oil, which I put in a refillable roll on bottle and apply it to the bottoms of my feet every night at bedtime and then put socks on. When I apply it to the bottom of my feet it is massaged and kneaded in the areas of the reflexology points that are shown on the photo below, prior to putting the socks on.

Why the feet?

There are 4,000 pores on the bottom of our feet, when essential oils are applied to the bottom of the feet it hits your blood stream in 30 seconds and goes into each cell in 20 minutes. The oil can pass through the lipid membrane of the cell because it’s made of oil. This is why sometimes you won’t get immediate relief, because it will go where it is needed the most, your body knows what it needs.

Inflammation is one of the key reasons for discomfort and diet is another way of reducing discomfort. Essential oils are paramount in reducing inflammation and so is your diet.
My diet is gluten free, dairy free, organic, sugar free, all natural whole foods, you may go… geez what does she eat…I have done my research and I can substitute good food for me and still eat most of my “favorites” and still eat healthy.

With these two areas I have controlled my discomfort level by 75% and remained healthy with no medications. This can be done also if you are on medications, as healthy eating and essential oils will not interfere with your medications, it will just help you feel better and your body will love you for it.

Then you add grounding/earthing to these equations…you have super power…giggle. Have fun with your new found health….have fun with it!!!!!