Tag Archives: inflammation

A Healthy Gut and More


Here it is the 22nd of January and just now I am creating an energy space in writing something personal…from my AA birthday to after my belly button birthday which is in January it is always a review time in my life for me.  So here I am back at the keyboard on a personal level…I did get a few posts out and kept up pretty much with contacts here on the blog…2016 is the best year yet…giggles

I always like to review my health plan every six months or so, as i use food as medicine in my life and I like to pay close attention to how my current plan is working for me and see if I could make some adjustments…my attention was drawn to probiotics and so started my research on that area…

Before adding probiotics to your shopping list this is what I found out and why now I am eating sauerkraut every day…

Here is some info I found out…

2oz of non pasteurized sauerkraut has more probiotics than 100 probiotic capsules

4-6oz of sauerkraut has 10 trillion bacteria, which is a good thing

Homemade kraut is the best, however you can buy readymade if you are prudent in making sure it is organic and not heated…heating destroys the probiotics

Fresh artesian water should be used and sea salt…no vinegar or heat

I save the liquid and I like to drink it a little each day or so.

In my area, Southern California, I found Bubbies and it is in the refrigerated deli case

In The Gluten Summit, 2013, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, told Dr. Tom O’Bryan, ““With every mouthful of sauerkraut you’re consuming billions of beneficial microbes which will be killing the pathogens in your gut driving them out and replenishing the beneficial flora in your digestive tract.”

Cabbage is high in anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins A and C. Cabbage also reduces lipids in the bloodstream. When cabbage is fermented into sauerkraut the fermentation process opens up the cell walls accessing a higher ratio of vitamins. It has been said that sauerkraut has 200 times more vitamin C than the head of cabbage before fermentation.

I divide the kraut into 1-2oz servings and eat one a day, you can heat it then if you like, I like mine cold…the kraut comes in glass jars and should remain in glass containers, again to preserve the probiotic properties.

Just following these simple instructions I have noticed a reduction in body swelling and a general all over good feeling, I am very pleased with the results. My gut area has reduced some and my digestive system seems to be liking my new treat to it…giggles

I have finally made the complete switch to organic fruits and veggies; and grass fed for farm animal products, my budget required an ease in process and so that process is now complete.

I made a organic, gluten free pumpkin bread for my birthday present to me and it was/is delicious, a Christmas present to me was a toaster oven and I love, love it, so now in my spiritual space of 8×10 I have a rice cooker, electric fry pan and a toaster oven…can life get any better than this…I don’t think so….giggles

Have a wonderful new year…and keep in touch

Much love and light


AND…the most important part of my new year beginning is my a new addition to my spiritual life, I already meditate daily and have my spiritual declarations I make for you, all the world, Gaia and myself, this one I have added that I also now do daily…and twice on Sunday’s….giggles

“So if you like to clean your energy field, simply summon and visualize a beam of WHITE LIGHT from the highest point imaginable….descending down into your energy field which makes you LIGHTER and BRIGHTER. Go down from head to body to toes.

Then sit there about 10-15 minutes while feeling and watching the changes you experience. Once done, you may feel (I have always 100% of times) feel lighter and swifter in my energy field. Don’t take my words for it, do it and experience it yourself.”  Here’s to your clean energy field…yes!!!!


Reflexology Points on Your Hand

reflexology hand

Usually we can find instructions on how to do reflexology on your feet, so when i found this extensive map of body organs and systems in and on the hand, needless to say i was very excited.

I am also including a reflexology map for the feet also; what i like to do is apply essential oils on reflexology points for discomfort, pain and other issues so now you can hit those points on your hands, which can be much easier than on your feet…enjoy and help your holiday stress with essential oils and reflexology.

reflexology feet

Have You Heard of Oil Pulling? Here is some info….

oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvdeic natural remedy for improving health.  It involves using pure organic coconut oil to pull harmful bacteria, fungus, and other harmful organisms from your mouth, teeth, throat and body.

I have been doing oil pulling ever since I heard of it and have added it to my daily routine of health, it is amazing how it makes my mouth feel and I don’t have any sinus flair ups anymore.  I am sure it has done much more for my overall health as I have reviewed the list below of the benefits for oil pulling.

Here are the directions for performing oil pulling:

Oil pull first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Use 1tsp to 1T of organic coconut oil, I would suggest when first starting to start with a smaller amount until you get use to it and then you can add more if you wish.

Swish in mouth and thru teeth continually for 20 minutes, you may have to soften by a chewing motion to liquefy the coconut oil from the jar.  It is best to do this while you are doing things as it makes the time go faster and you can get the 20 minutes completed.

Discard oil into a container, not down the drain and/or toilet; I use an empty supplement bottle. If you put the oil down the drains it will harden and clog your drains

Brush and floss teeth as usual

Do not gargle the oil

If you have a serious and/or annoying situation, you can do this more than once a day until you get relief.

Here is the list of the benefits of oil pulling:

Cures tooth decay
Kills bad breath
Heals bleeding gums
Prevents heart disease
Reduces inflammation
Boosts immune system
Soothes dry throat
Reduces morning sickness
Whitens teeth
Heals cracked lips
Improves acne
Strengthens gums
Prevents cavities
Clears sinuses
Increases energy
Improves PMS symptoms
Relieves tooth aches
Cleans and reduces plaque
Cleans tongue

If you have any questions just ask and I will help you through your learning curve..happy oil pulling!!!!

oil pulling2


Are All Salts Equal…NO…The Best is Himalayan Pink Salt


Here is one of the reasons… Himalayan salt has less sodium than table salt and it is naturally rich in iodine, so it is not artificially added in. The many hues of pink, red and white are an indication of this salt’s rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.

Himalayan salt is mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, and strontium; and it is further stated that this pink salt packs a hearty 80+ more minerals and elements in their pretty pink package.

You ask…what and how does that benefit me, well here is a list of benefits for replacing the table salt shaker with Himalayan Pink salt:

Create an electrolyte balance
Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux
Prevent muscle cramping
Aid in proper metabolism functioning
Help the intestines absorb nutrients
Prevent goiters
Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins
Aiding in vascular health
Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
Reducing the signs of aging
Promoting healthy sleep patterns
Increasing libido
Increases hydration
Strengthen bones
Lowers blood pressure
Improves circulation
Detoxifying the body of heavy metals

And if that isn’t enough to convince you here is why table salt is inferior…

Commercial refined salt is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides sodium and chloride, but is also chemically cleaned, bleached and heated at unnecessary high temperatures.

In addition, it is treated with anti-caking agents which prevent salt from mixing with water in the salt container. These agents also prevent dissolving within our system leading to build up and then deposit in organs and tissue, causing severe health problems.

Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt.

Finally, the iodine that is added into salt is usually synthetic which is difficult for your body to process properly. Shockingly under U.S. law, up to 2% of table salt can be additives. This is large in part of how salt has gotten such a bad name. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, it is refined table salt that is inferior for our health.

ALSO…Pink salt has other healthy uses such as:

Salt Slabs– used as serving platters, the slabs will impart an enhanced salt taste and mineral content. Chilled: decorate with fruits, sushi, vegetables or cheese. Frozen: present cold desserts and even sorbets. Heated: use the slabs to sear vegetables, shrimp, fish fillets or thinly sliced beef or even to fry an egg. The dense salt blocks conduct heat beautifully with near perfect heat distribution.

Best of all, Himalayan salt is naturally anti-microbial, so clean up requires just a quick scrub or rinse.

Salt Lamps: Keep a salt lamp in each room of your home and it will diminish the electromagnetic toxins in the room, I keep one close to my TV and my desk near my computers

Decoration– use the salts in containers, as décor crystals and sprinkled on food for presentation.

Bathing- throw in the tub for a detoxifying Himalayan salt bath. The replenishing nutrients stimulate circulation and soothe sore muscles.

Naturally rich in 80+ nourishing and skin-replenishing minerals, bathing with pink bath salt is a healing and therapeutic experience for mind and body.

Potpourri Holders and Essential Oil Diffusers, many on-line sites sell beautiful home décor featuring the pink salt as crystal rocks.

Air purification– crystal rock lamps for air purification are also found and sold on-line.

Beautify your home, create healthy salt eating and have a healthy atmosphere in your home and/or office…have fun, get creative…great gift giving ideas!!! T’is the season..HO HO HO

salt lamp

What About Oregano Essential Oil


oregano oil2

Oregano oil is one of the oils that you will want to have in your first aid kit, it is a good antibiotic; it relieves MRSA, and fights all kinds of infections. I know sometimes I sound like a broken record, but here it goes…when you work with therapeutic grade essentials oils there isn’t any side effects like when you use medical forms of treatments, have you ever listened to the possible side effects on the ads that are on the TV, the side effects are worse sometimes then the condition they are suppose cure. Essential oils work WITH your body to heal the conditions. Here is a short list of conditions you can use oregano oil for:

Warts and skin tags: Dab twice daily, morning and night to the affected area. Keep at it and within a few weeks, the warts will shrink appreciably and the skin tags will fall off. Make a mixture of half oregano oil and half fractionated coconut oil to a roller bottle and dab twice daily until they are gone.

DIY Hand Sanitizer: Combine 10 drops of oregano oil with two tablespoons of coconut oil. Rub it into your hands as a natural hand sanitizer. You would think the hand sanitizer would be healthy, but it isn’t they are full of toxins. You can make your own and it will be healthy for you, you can put in a roller bottle or small spray bottle, be sure and dilute with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil.

Natural Insect Repellent: Mix a few drops in a carrier oil and rub over your skin to repel insects. You can also mix oregano oil with water in a spray bottle to create your own insect spray. Be sure to shake it up before using since the oil will separate a bit in the water.

Control Itching: Apply diluted oregano oil to insect bites and skin rashes to relieve itching.

Sickness and Flu: Diffuse Oregano essential oil in your favorite diffuser to help quickly get rid of the flu or any other sickness.

Sinus infections and colds: Place a few drops of oregano oil in a pot of steaming water or diffuser. Carefully inhale the steam, being careful not to get burned. You can also dilute in carrier oil then place under the nostrils to provide additional relieve for sinus infections.

Arthritis: Dilute in a carrier oil and rub onto painful joints to decrease swelling.

Dandruff: Add a few drops to your regular shampoo being mindful to keep the shampoo and oregano oil out of your eyes.

Eczema: Control eczema by blending oregano oil with carrier oil and applying topically.

Athlete’s foot: Dilute in a carrier oil and apply directly 2-3 times a day. You can also add a few drops to baking soda to sprinkle inside your shoes for added protection.

Nail Fungus: Soak hands or feet in a basin of water with a few teaspoons of oregano oil added. You can also rub diluted oil (1 drop of oil in a teaspoon of carrier oil) directly onto your nails. Once again this is the healthy way to treat nail fungus, it is applied directly to the area, the prescriptions the medical community gives you is taken orally and it goes thru out your body and ruins good antibodies not just where you want it.

Relieve Sore Muscles: Dilute in carrier oil or lotion then gently massage on the affected area. Repeat up to three times a day.

Congestion: Dilute in your favorite carrier oil or lotion and apply to the chest area. For nasal congestion, try adding one or two drops of oregano essential oil on a clean handkerchief and inhale the vapor. You can also just take the bottle and inhale it.

Treat Parasites: Combine 1 drop of Oregano oil with 1 drop of a carrier oil. Place under the tongue and hold it for a few minutes before rinsing the mouth with water. Repeat up to four times a day.

Acne: Dip a Q-tip into the oil and apply directly to zits aka acne. The oil will kill the bacteria and reduce the inflammation. For the very best results, do this twice a day morning and night immediately after washing your face.

Ringworm: To kill ringworm, apply 3 to 6 drops of oregano oil to the effected area.

Skin Infections: Dilute in coconut oil and apply topically to boost the healing of skin infections.

Cleaning Supplies: Add a few drops to your DIY cleaning supplies to give them an antiseptic and disinfectant boost. This is especially effective in the kitchen and in the bathroom. You can add lemon to this to add a clean scent to your cleaning.

Laundry: Add a few drops to your load of laundry to kill bacteria or parasites and also to leave your clothes smelling nice and fresh.

Fungus and Mold: Mix with water and spray the shower to prevent fungus and mold from growing. This also works in other warm, humid areas of your home.

Oregano oil is considered a hot oil. What this means is that it can burn or cause some irritation when used undiluted. Other hot oils include cinnamon or clove oil. When using Oregano oil undiluted apply carefully with a Q-tip and do not spread it beyond the affected area. For most applications, my recommendation is that it should be diluted for all but spot treatments such as warts and skin tags, also acne.

One more thing, the therapeutic use of oregano oil should be avoided in infants and children, and pregnant or nursing women. That is not to say that something bad will happen but to be safe, the use of oregano oil should be avoided without first consulting with a qualified medical professional or holistic practitioner, someone that is educated in essential oils.

Now you can see why I suggest that you get this oil for your first aid kit, it is a great antibiotic for many uses and it is healthy for the whole family, just be sure and dilute it good for the younger children in the family, a little goes a long way.

oregano oil

Apple Cider Vinegar the Miracle Health Tonic


What can apple cider vinegar do, really the question could be, what can’t it do. You can use it for cleaning, gardening, health hygiene, diseases…the list goes on.

What makes apple cider vinegar so beneficial it has healing compounds which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes. These compounds can kill head lice, ease digestion, prevent flu, prevent acne, reduce inflammation, kill fungus, regulate pH balance, dissolve kidney stones and helps relieve allergies, migraines, asthma, nausea, heart burn and wash toxins from the body.

Every morning before eating a take an apple cider vinegar detox drink and then wait for 20 minutes before eating anything…here is the recipe:

2T of fresh squeezed lemon juice
2T of organic apple cider vinegar with the mother in it
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of coconut sugar
3 dashes of cayenne pepper
I also add a splash of structured water
Shake very good and drink

I was told several years ago that I was borderline diabetic and my father was a full blown diabetic, so I have taken health precautions so I don’t follow in his footsteps, and it has worked, I have eliminated that condition by eating correctly and using food as medicine.

Here are 6 more reasons apple cider vinegar is one of the most powerful health tonic in your kitchen.

1) Diabetes.
The effect of apple cider vinegar on blood sugar levels is perhaps the best researched and the most promising of its health benefits. Several studies have found that vinegar may help lower glucose levels. Vinegar may be the most cost-effective diabetes medicine in history, but most people with diabetes still aren’t aware of its benefits.

2) Allergies
This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches.

3) High Cholesterol.
It has been said that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol, it may increase HDL (“good” cholesterol) and reduce levels of triglycerides.

4) Blood Pressure and Heart Health.
Potassium in the vinegar ‘balances sodium levels in the body, which aids in maintaining blood pressure within healthy limits’ and ‘apple cider vinegar also contains magnesium, a mineral that works to relax blood vessel walls and thus lower high blood pressure’.

5) Restores Acid/Alkaline Balance
Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level, and some ‘alternative’ practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to help balance the body’s alkaline/acid levels. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level as the body constantly strives to achieve this state of equilibrium.

Research shows that higher acid levels (lower pH level) leads to a lack of energy and higher incidences of infection. Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of conditions such as arthritis and gout.

6) Face and Hair Health
It is widely known that apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse for your hair after shampooing to add healthy body and shine. Recycle an old shampoo bottle and fill it with 1/2 a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of structured water. Pour through your hair after shampooing several times a week.

You can also dilute apple cider vinegar with two parts water, and spread the concoction over your face with a cotton ball as a toner at night after washing, or in the morning before you apply your moisturizer. You can also dab apple cider vinegar directly onto age spots and leave them on overnight to lighten their color.

Final Note.
Unpasteurized or organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) contains mother of vinegar, which has a cobweb-like appearance and can make the vinegar look slightly congealed. It’s the best way apple cider vinegar should be consumed.


Are Vaccinations Toxic?


I am not going to get into the debate of getting a flu vaccination or not getting a flu vaccination, which goes by the identity of A/H1N1, and/or any vaccination that is being advertised by the pharmaceutical companies and the medical communities. Each individual and family needs to do thorough research to see if this is something that you want done to you and your family members. By thorough research I mean looking at ALL the pros and cons and research those out also. I can tell you what I have chosen to do/not do as far as any vaccination; and that is, I would not have one under any circumstance or for any reason.

Why I am posting this article is for information if you have had one and/or someone you love has had one and you choose to detox yourself from the toxic effects of the vaccination. This information is also part of the research curve of information regarding vaccinations.

If this information resonates with you and you feel you would like to educate others, please forward to others. If you choose to discard this info, thank you for taking the time to read as much as you chose to read and possibly a seed was planted in your being to be aware of a possibility.
Much love and light, Spiritdancing

Russell Blaylock, MD – What To
Do If Force Vaccinated
By Dr. Russell Blaylock

Dr Blaylock’s List of suggestions on How to Reduce the Toxic Effects of the A/H1N1 Vaccine, is as follows:

1. Number one on the list says Dr Blaylock, is to bring a cold pack with you and place it on the site of the injection as soon as you can, as this will block the immune reaction. Once you get home, continue using a cold pack throughout the day. If you continue to have immune reactions the following day, have cold showers and continue with the cold press.

2. Take fish oil. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), one of the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements, is a potent immune suppressant. If you take high dose EPA you will be more susceptible to infections, because it is a powerful immune suppressant. However, in the case of an immune adjuvant reaction, you want to reduce it. Studies show that if you take EPA oil one hour before injecting a very powerful adjuvant called lipopolysaccharide (LPS), it would completely block the ability of the LPS to cause brain inflammation. Take a moderate dose everyday and more if needed to tame a cytokine storm.

3. Flavonoids are third on the list, namely curcumin, quercetin, ferulic acid and ellagic acid, particularly in a mixture. The curcumin and quercetin in particular have been found to block the ability of the adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction. If you take it an hour before the vaccination, it should help dampen the immune reactions says Dr Blaylock.

4. Vitamin E, the natural form that is high in gamma-E will help dampen the immune reactions and reduces several of the inflammatory cytokines.

5. An important ingredient on the list is Vitamin C at a dose of 1000 mg, taken four times a day between meals. It is a very potent anti-inflammatory and should be taken in a buffered form, not as absorbic acid, says Dr Blaylock.

6. Also use astaxanthin as it’s an anti-inflammatory. According to Dr Blaylock, fatal reactions to vaccines in aboriginal and African children occurred in those who were deficient in carotinoids, like astaxanthin. It is a good protection against the toxic effects of the vaccine.

7. Likewise, it was found that children who were deficient in zinc had a high mortality rate. Zinc is very protective against vaccine toxicity. (Do not use zinc mixed with copper however, as copper is a major trigger of free-radical generation according to Dr Blaylock).

8. Ensure you avoid all immune-stimulating supplements, such as mushroom extracts, whey protein and beta-glucan.

9. Take a multivitamin-mineral daily ­ one that does not contain iron. This multivitamin-mineral is to make sure your body has plenty of B vitamins and selenium. Selenium, said Dr Blaylock, is very important for fighting viral infections and it reduces the inflammatory response to vaccines.

10. Magnesium citrate/malate 500 mg of elemental magnesium two capsules, three times a day. (This was not mentioned during the show, but was posted at Dr Deagle’s website, ClayandIron.com).

11. What is very important is vitamin D3, which is the only ‘vitamin’ the body can manufacture from sunlight (UVB). It is a neural hormone, not really a vitamin says Dr Blaylock and helps if you are over-reacting immunologically by cooling down the reaction. Similarly, if you are under-reacting, it helps to boost your immune response. In addition it also protects against microorganism invasion.

Black people and those in colder climates are particularly deficient, so they will almost certainly require supplementation.

Dr Blaylock recommends that following vaccination it will help to keep the immune reaction under control if:

i) All children get 5,000 units a day for two weeks after the vaccine and then 2,000 a units a day thereafter;

ii) Adults get 20,000 units a day after the vaccine for two weeks, then 10,000 units a day thereafter;

iii) And with that adults should take 500-1000 mg of calcium a day and children under the age of 12 years should take 250 mg a day, as vitamin D works more efficiently in the presence of calcium.

12. Ensure you avoid all mercury-containing seafood or any other sources of mercury, as the heavy metal is a very powerful inducer of autoimmunity, is known to make people more susceptible to viral infections and will be in H1N1 vaccines.

13. Avoid the oils that significantly suppress immunity and increase inflammation – such as corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, canola and peanut oils.

14. Drink very concentrated white tea at least four times a day. It helps to prevent abnormal immune reactions.

15. Pop parsley and celery in a blender and drink 8 ounces of this mixture twice a day. Dr Blaylock says the parsley is very high in a flavonoid called apigenin and that celery is high in luteolin.


Both are very potent in inhibiting autoimmune diseases, particularly the apigenin, so go and plant some parsley in your garden now.



Why I Went Gluten Free

GMO companies

Are you gluten intolerant or poison intolerant?

I went gluten free and organic with no GMO products when the light bulb went on what was being done to our food supplies here in the USA. I am going to just give you a small intro into the poison that is used to process our foods by the name of glyphosate and it is found in Roundup. Here goes…

There is a company called Monsanto they are the manufacturer of Roundup…

“Monsanto knows exactly what harm is being done to your gut by their RoundUp Ready GMOs. In 2003, Monsanto filed their application to patent glyphosate as an antibiotic/antimicrobial. The patent was granted in 2010. Studies show that glyphosate kills beneficial gut flora. 70%+ of our immune system resides in our gut. Kill the good stuff and the bad stuff can make you sick, overweight, or BOTH.”

This is why I went gluten free so I could control my beneficial gut flora and not eat the crops that are planted and harvest with Roundup…this is how it is done…

“While glyphosate goes hand in hand with GM agriculture, many people are unaware that glyphosate is also used on many non-GMO crops as a desiccant, ripening or drying agent. When these crops (such as wheat, barley, sugar cane, oats, lentils, edible peas, sunflowers, potatoes and cantaloupe) are nearly mature, farmers are allowed to spray glyphosate herbicides on the crop to kill the plant which causes it to dry down for a quicker harvest.”

All of this extends beyond the health of what we eat; it also includes the feeding of cattle and poultry, which in turn we eat also. The majority of American consumers who don’t even have the legal right to know through truthful labeling if they are eating GMOs, are consuming non-organic, Roundup Ready soy, canola, cottonseed or soy on a daily basis, and therefore are being exposed to glyphosate residues year round; additionally, animals fed Roundup sprayed GMO plants will bioaccumulate glyphosate and/or glyphosate metabolites, adding to the consumer’s bodily burden of these gut flora-altering, highly toxic chemicals.

This is why it is so important to know where your food items are coming from and what they have been fed, as leaky gut and many of current diseases that are at epidemic levels are caused by this chemical in our foods…it is criminal to say the least. There is much more to this story, I just want to have my readers become aware and to have them do their own research according to their own life styles.

Please stop using Roundup on your own property also; there are several recipes of essential oils and non toxic weed killers you can use that are not dangerous to your health and that of others.

Here are the countries that have banned GMO farming in them: Italy, Ireland, Scotland, France, Greece, Latvia, Germany, Iceland, Hungry, India, and Indonesia. What is important to know is that even though they don’t grow them, they can still import them, but they require labeling them as such.

Please be responsible and protect yourself and your family by getting informed on this information. I have included the companies owned by Monsanto that sell their GMO products. GMO = Generic Modified Organism

monsanto company

My Wellness Schedule


I have referred to my wellness schedule several times so thought it was about time to share that with you, you may be interested in some of it, all of it and/or none of it….giggles. So here goes…

First thing upon waking up I drink about an 8oz glass of water that I put by my bed before I go to bed and take Serrapeptase which is a supplement that clears out and keeps clear your veins of plaque etc, it is said that if you take this on a regular basis your chances of a stroke or heart attack is greatly reduced.

I don’t take anything for 30 minutes after I do this, then I fix my coffee and sit in the sun and/or porch for at least 20 minutes, then I come in and fix my collagen drink, which is 2T of fresh squeezed lemon juice; 1 scoop of collagen powder; and about 1 to 2 T of structured water…shake really well until the powder is mixed with the liquid.

Then I take two ice cubes to put at the nap of my neck, my drink and turn on my DNA Repair meditation tone, I drink the drink and apply the ice cubes and listen to the meditation which takes about 40 min.

Then I fix my detox drink which consists of 2T of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2T of Braggi Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, a couple dashes of cayenne pepper, mix very well and drink…(shiver and shake your head…giggle). Wait 30 minutes and then you are ready to eat…

Eating means a smoothie…this is what mine consists of; at least ¼ c of blueberries (I freeze them so they sort of act like ice cubes) ¼ c of coconut milk; 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, 1T of sprouted flax powder, 1 scoop of grass fed-gluten free-gmo free-whey powder, 1 scoop of green veggie and fruit powder again gluten free-gmo free-organic-raw, add a splash of structured water if too thick..blend in blender until completely mixed.

Then I take my supplements after the smoothie; I am not going to list those as supplements are a very individual thing according to each person.

While drinking/eating this I listen to vibrational tone music for healing myself and the world, this takes about 30 to 40 minutes.

In between everything, somewhere I squeeze in oil pulling and spraying magnesium oil on…by 1:00 I am ready to go…giggles

I am healed and the world is healed…this is how I spend my time in my 8X10 sanctuary…holding the love and light for all of us. I love you all!!!!!


Grounding For Your Health

The terms “earthing” and “grounding” refer to walking barefoot on the earth, which allows for the transfer of free electrons from the earth into your body, through the soles of your feet.

These free electrons are among the most potent antioxidants known, and the effects of grounding have been shown to promote health in a number of ways.

For starters, walking barefoot can help improve the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation from cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi a huge benefit for those of us that live your lives with electronics.

Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation because it thins your blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions. Inflammation thrives when your blood is thick and you have a lot of free radical stress and positive charges in your body.

It is important to know that not all surfaces allow you to ground. Effective outdoor grounding surfaces include sand, grass, bare soil, and unpainted/unsealed concrete and brick. It is possible for you to be grounded even if you’re not barefoot by wearing leather-soled footwear when you walk across these surfaces. The effect is not as effective as barefoot but it’s still present. When walking barefoot on grass, it is best if it is damp and you also want to make sure that it has not been sprayed with round-up or any other weed killers, as they are very toxic.

Being grounded in a modern dwelling is another matter. Grounding inside your home is almost impossible, as many common flooring materials are poor conductors. This includes wood and insulating materials, vinyl, carpet, sealed tiles, and marble if it’s chemically treated and placed on top of sealed concrete.

Does Your Elevation Impact Grounding?

The simple answer to this question is…yes. When you are grounded, meaning in contact with the Earth, it’s impossible for your body to carry a charge, which is good. The more distance there is between you and the Earth, the greater charge your body carries.

For every meter you are above the ground, 300 volts of charge will build up in your body. So if you are in a second story bedroom, your charge would be 1,000 volts; this voltage charge could increase your risk of health problems. For example, a study in 2009 found a 40 percent increase in strokes among people living in multistory homes.

You can do grounding indoors, this is best done by using a grounding pad or wrist and ankle bands. These work well provided you have a grounded electrical outlet, and can be particularly beneficial if you live in a high-rise building. You can identify a grounded outlet by the fact it’s a 3-prong outlet. Most modern homes built after 1970 will have a grounded electrical system. When using an earthing mat, make sure your bare skin is in contact with it, there should not be a layer of clothing between you and the mat.

How Grounding Benefits Your Blood

Another reason grounding is so beneficial is how it affects your blood. High-sugar diet, smoking, electromagnetic forces, emotional stress, anxiety, high cholesterol, and high uric acid tend to make your blood thicker and slow-moving which increases your risk of having a blood clot or stroke. Thicker blood is the cause of inflammation, because when your blood does not flow well, oxygen can’t get to your tissues.

Grounding helps thin your blood meaning it improves the energy between your red blood cells. When you ground to the earth, your red blood cells now have more charge on their surface, which forces them apart from each other. This action causes your blood to thin and flow easier. It also causes your blood pressure to drop.

Grounding Is a Foundational Aspect for Optimal Health

Free radical stress from toxic exposures associated with modern life continually depletes your body of electrons. This is one of the primary reasons why you need to eat an antioxidant-rich diet, as antioxidants donate electrons back into your body, thereby helping to help ward off free radical damage to your tissues. However, you don’t have to swallow them all. You can also get these electrons by going barefoot outside.

Grounding also helps calm your sympathetic nervous system, which supports your heart rate variability. This in turn plays an important role in balancing your autonomic nervous system. Pain relief, improved sleep, and a generally enhanced sense of well-being are but a few of the health benefits reported by people who try grounding.

If you are deficient in electrons, your body is unable to effectively combat inflammation. Grounding is one of the key mechanisms by which your body maintains equilibrium and health. The human body evolved in constant contact with the Earth, and your body needs this continuous interchange of energy in order to function properly.

When you stand barefoot on bare earth or sand, electrons from the Earth flow into your body; giving you a natural “transfusion” of healing power. This occurs until you equalize with the Earth, so you never have to worry about getting too much. The process simply stops when your charge returns to zero. It’s as safe and natural as it gets.

Grounding mats and bands, along with many other products can be purchased at http://www.earthing.com, there is also books and other interesting information on their website. I have been using the bands for over 6 months and have noticed a huge difference in my health issues and my level of pain relief. I am unable to walk barefoot because of my polio issues so these work perfectly for me.

walking on sand