Tag Archives: organic fun eating

Are All Salts Equal…NO…The Best is Himalayan Pink Salt


Here is one of the reasons… Himalayan salt has less sodium than table salt and it is naturally rich in iodine, so it is not artificially added in. The many hues of pink, red and white are an indication of this salt’s rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.

Himalayan salt is mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, and strontium; and it is further stated that this pink salt packs a hearty 80+ more minerals and elements in their pretty pink package.

You ask…what and how does that benefit me, well here is a list of benefits for replacing the table salt shaker with Himalayan Pink salt:

Create an electrolyte balance
Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux
Prevent muscle cramping
Aid in proper metabolism functioning
Help the intestines absorb nutrients
Prevent goiters
Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins
Aiding in vascular health
Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
Reducing the signs of aging
Promoting healthy sleep patterns
Increasing libido
Increases hydration
Strengthen bones
Lowers blood pressure
Improves circulation
Detoxifying the body of heavy metals

And if that isn’t enough to convince you here is why table salt is inferior…

Commercial refined salt is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides sodium and chloride, but is also chemically cleaned, bleached and heated at unnecessary high temperatures.

In addition, it is treated with anti-caking agents which prevent salt from mixing with water in the salt container. These agents also prevent dissolving within our system leading to build up and then deposit in organs and tissue, causing severe health problems.

Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt.

Finally, the iodine that is added into salt is usually synthetic which is difficult for your body to process properly. Shockingly under U.S. law, up to 2% of table salt can be additives. This is large in part of how salt has gotten such a bad name. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, it is refined table salt that is inferior for our health.

ALSO…Pink salt has other healthy uses such as:

Salt Slabs– used as serving platters, the slabs will impart an enhanced salt taste and mineral content. Chilled: decorate with fruits, sushi, vegetables or cheese. Frozen: present cold desserts and even sorbets. Heated: use the slabs to sear vegetables, shrimp, fish fillets or thinly sliced beef or even to fry an egg. The dense salt blocks conduct heat beautifully with near perfect heat distribution.

Best of all, Himalayan salt is naturally anti-microbial, so clean up requires just a quick scrub or rinse.

Salt Lamps: Keep a salt lamp in each room of your home and it will diminish the electromagnetic toxins in the room, I keep one close to my TV and my desk near my computers

Decoration– use the salts in containers, as décor crystals and sprinkled on food for presentation.

Bathing- throw in the tub for a detoxifying Himalayan salt bath. The replenishing nutrients stimulate circulation and soothe sore muscles.

Naturally rich in 80+ nourishing and skin-replenishing minerals, bathing with pink bath salt is a healing and therapeutic experience for mind and body.

Potpourri Holders and Essential Oil Diffusers, many on-line sites sell beautiful home décor featuring the pink salt as crystal rocks.

Air purification– crystal rock lamps for air purification are also found and sold on-line.

Beautify your home, create healthy salt eating and have a healthy atmosphere in your home and/or office…have fun, get creative…great gift giving ideas!!! T’is the season..HO HO HO

salt lamp

Detox and Cleanse Your Body With Food


It is so important to be aware of the foods we eat and why, here is an article of foods you can eat that will be healthy for us and also work on detoxing the body of chemicals and toxins. Also remember to eat organic, as this will help the foods work to cleanse your body the way they are intended to.

Copy this list and take it shopping with you so you can incorporate as many of these foods in your menus weekly/daily as possible…healthy and happy eating!!!!!

By John Summerly

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system.


Artichokes help the liver function at its best, which in turn will help your body purge itself of toxins and other things it doesn’t need to survive. It ups the liver’s production of bile, and since bile helps break down foods which helps your body use the nutrients inside them, an increase in bile production is typically a good thing.


Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. You get fibre, vitamins, minerals and many beneficial phytochemicals such as D-Glucarate, flavonoids and terpenoids. All of these substances are used in the detox process. One flavonoid, Phlorizidin (phlorizin), is thought to help stimulate bile production which helps with detox as the liver gets rid of some toxins through the bile. Apples are also a good source of the soluble fibre pectin, which can help detox metals and food additives from your body. It’s best to eat only organic apples as the non-organic varieties are among the top 12 foods that have been found to contain the most pesticide residues. Organically produced apples also have a 15 percent higher antioxidant capacity than conventionally produced apples.


Almonds are the best nut source of Vitamin E. In fact, just one ounce contains 7.3 mg of “alpha-tocopherol” vitamin E, the form of the vitamin the body prefers. They’re also high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and useable protein that helps stabilize blood sugar and remove impurities from the bowels.


Not only does asparagus help to detoxify the body, it can help you wage the anti-aging battle, protect you from getting cancer, help your heart to stay healthy, and is a general anti-inflammatory food. It’s also known to help with liver drainage, which might sound like a bad thing, but since the liver is responsible for filtering out the toxic materials in the food and drinks we consume, anything that backs up its drainage is not doing you any favors. Asparagus also helps reduce risk of death from breast cancer and increase the odds of survival.


This wonder fruit is packed with antioxidants, lowers cholesterol and dilates the blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that elderly people who had high levels of glutathione were healthier and less likely to suffer from arthritis. Consuming avocados is associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake level, lower intake of added sugars, lower body weight, BMI and waist circumferences, higher “good cholesterol” levels and lower metabolic syndrome risk.


Basil has anti-bacterial properties, and it’s full of antioxidants to protect the liver. The active ingredients are terpenoids. It is also wonderful for digestion and detoxification, too. It supports the functioning of the kidneys and also acts as a diuretic to help the body expel unwanted toxins. Basil has been known to have anti-ulcer qualities as well as antimicrobial effects that guard against bacteria, yeast, fungi and mold. Basil seed can also help with constipation. The anticancer properties of basil may also relate to its ability to influence viral infections.


A single serving of beets can do more for your health than most foods in the produce isle. Not only can they boost your energy and lower your blood pressure, but eating beets in the long-term can help you fight cancer, reduce arthritic pain, boost your brain as well as help you lose weight. Beets contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. They also help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making beets excellent overall body cleansers. When you’re detoxing, beets will help by making sure that the toxins you’re getting out actually make it out of your body. Many detox cleanses go wrong when toxins are reintroduced to the body because they don’t make it all the way out.


Blueberries contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Just 300 grams of blueberries protects against DNA damage. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They have antiviral properties and are loaded with super-detoxifying phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins.


These tasty treats are packed with selenium, which is key to flushing mercury out of your body. The body uses selenium to make ‘selenoproteins’, which work like antioxidants preventing damage to cells and there is growing body of evidence to show it has a key role in our health. The consumption of brazil nuts has been found to be inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer.


Broccoli specifically works with the enzymes in your liver to turn toxins into something your body can eliminate easily. If you’re stuck for ways on how to make broccoli taste better try dehydrating or consider eating it raw. But don’t microwave it as this destroys both the nutritional and detox potential. Broccoli contains a very powerful anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial called sulforaphane which helps prevent cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and allergies.


Broccoli sprouts can actually provide more benefit than regular broccoli as they contain 20 times more sulfurophane. They contain important phytochemicals that are released when they’re chopped, chewed, fermented, or digested. The substances are released then break down into sulfurophanes, indole-3-carbinol and D-glucarate, which all have a specific effect on detoxification. Add these to your salads and get creative with them in your meals. Researchers have found that an oral preparation made from broccoli sprouts trigger an increase in inflammation-fighting enzymes in the upper airways.


In addition to cleansing your liver, cabbage will also aid in helping you go to the bathroom, which in turn helps you expel the toxins, getting them out of your system so you can start fresh. It contains sulfur, which is essential when it comes to breaking down chemicals and removing them from your body. Along with other cole crops, cabbage is a source of indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that boosts DNA repair in cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.


Cilantro, also known as coriander, Chinese parsley or dhania, contains an abundance of antioxidants. Cilantro helps mobilize mercury and other metals out of the tissue so it can attach to it other compounds and allow it to be excreted from the body. It also contains an antibacterial compound called dodecenal, which laboratory tests showed is twice as effective as the commonly used antibiotic drug gentamicin at killing Salmonella.


The oils from cinnamon contain active components called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol. Cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood cells. Cinnamon’s essential oils also qualify it as an “anti-microbial” food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties are so effective that recent research demonstrates this spice can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives. It has one of the highest antioxidant values of all foods and its use in medicine treats everything from nausea to menstruation and energy to diabetes.


While they are more popular as fruits that help prevent urinary tract infections, cranberries are antibacterial and are known to remove many different toxins from your body. Cranberries feature a rich profile of anti-inflammatory nutrients, provide immune and cardiovascular support, as well as promote digestive health. Consuming cranberry products has been associated with prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) for over 100 years.


Dandelions are considered a powerhouse food full of nutrients that are essential for anyone regularly eating processed foods. Dandelion root (taraxacum officinale) is known to act on the liver and pancreas by straining and filtering toxins & wastes from the bloodstream and its beneficial effects on liver complaints have been well documented by both Asian practitioners and American physicians. They’re a rich source of minerals and provide a variety of phytonutrients. They’re super antioxidants that support cleansing of the digestive tract. Try adding dandelion leaves to your salad.


The fennel bulb is high in fiber may also be useful in preventing colon cancer. In addition to its fiber, fennel is a very good source of folate, a B vitamin that is necessary for the conversion of a dangerous molecule called homocysteine into other, benign molecules. The vitamin C found in fennel bulb is directly antimicrobial and is also needed for the proper function of the immune system.


When detoxifying your body, it’s essential to ensure toxins are eliminated properly. Ground flaxseeds provide a wonderful source of fibre that helps to bind and flush toxins from the intestinal tract. They’re also a great source of health promoting omega 3 oils. Try consuming two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in lemon water every morning. University of Copenhagen researchers report that flax fiber suppresses appetite and helps support weight loss. Men should be cautious when consuming flax as the lignans are similar to the female hormone estrogen as can cause problems for some men.


Many detox diets list garlic as a crucial piece of the puzzle. The reason is that garlic boosts the immune system as well as helping out the liver. One good thing about garlic is that you can up your intake without having to worry if your body is going to get used to it or build up a resistance. Sulfur is found in high quantities in garlic — which makes it a good detox food and its antibiotic properties heal your body. Garlic is proven to be 100 times more effective than antibiotics and working in a fraction of the time.


Along side turmeric, ginger is one of the world’s most potent disease-fighting spices. Ginger spikes your metabolism, flushes out waste, is thought to help liver function, and has some astringent properties. Some detox diets ask you to chew on ginger root. You may also find that adding it to hot water makes the water taste better. Basically any way you can think of it get it into your system is going to be beneficial, especially if you’re suffering from a fatty liver caused by too much alcohol, or too many toxic foods and drinks.


Replace raisins with nutrient-dense Goji berries to boost your vitamin C and beta-carotene intake. Gram for gram, goji berries pack more vitamin C than oranges and more beta-carotene than carrots. Vitamin C can help remove waste from your body, while beta-carotene improves liver performance.


Grapefruits can prevent weight gain, treat diabetes, lower cholesterol, fight cancer, heal stomach ulcers, reduce gum disease and even keep stroke and metabolic syndrome at bay. Grapefruits can treat disease as well as pharmaceuticals without the side effects. The rich pink and red colors of grapefruit are due to lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient. Among the common dietary carotenoids, lycopene has the highest capacity to help fight oxygen free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells. The big takeaway on grapefruit is that it gets your liver fired up and ready for action, while infusing the rest of your organs with nutrient-laden fruit juice.


Green tea is often thought of as a great addition to any detox program because of its high antioxidant value. It is the least processed tea and thus provides the most antioxidant polyphenols, notably a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is believed to be responsible for most of the health benefits linked to green tea. According to 17 clinical trials, green tea is linked with significantly lower blood sugar.

24. HEMP

Hemp might just be one of nature’s most perfect foods since it is full of antioxidants like Vitamins E and C, as well as chlorophyll which is wonderful for cleansing the body from toxins of all kinds, including heavy metals. The soluble and insoluble fiber in hemp can also keep the digestive tract clean and therefore, reduce the toxic burden on other internal organs. Hemp could free us from oil, prevent deforestation, cure cancer and it’s environmentally friendly.

25. KALE

Kale is now recognized as providing comprehensive support for the body’s detoxification system. New research has shown that the ITCs made from kale’s glucosinolates can help regulate detox at a genetic level. This vegetable is so good for you that it is often recommended to patients that are following a doctor recommended diet when fighting kidney disease. It’s packed with so many antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties as well, not to mention all of the vitamins and minerals it contains. Leafy greens are likely the number one food you can eat to regularly help improve your health. They’re filled with fiber along with crucial vitamins, minerals, and plant-based phytochemicals that may help protect you from almost every disease known.


This is an herb that is used in Thailand and other parts of the world as a natural way to cleanse several organs at once. It not only helps the liver but also the kidneys, the bladder, and the entire digestive tract. Benefits of using it in your cooking, or drinking it as a tea include a better complexion, better circulation, and better digestion. It is most often used as a tea in the world of detoxing, and there are several recipes you can try until you find one that suits your tastes best.


This wonderful fruit stimulates the release of enzymes and helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that can be easily excreted from the body. In addition, they contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make glutathione. Glutathione helps ensure that phase 2 liver detoxification keeps pace with phase 1, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative effects from environmental chemicals. Drinking lemon water, which is alkaline-forming, first thing in the morning will help to balance out the acidity of foods we’ve consumed. They also have an incredible effect in detoxing the liver. Fresh lemon juice contains more than 20 anti-cancer compounds and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

Here are 45 uses for lemons that will blow your socks off.


Some liver cleanses out there call for olive oil mixed with fruit juice in order to trigger your liver to expunge its gallstones. But aside from that olive oil should be your go-to oil when you’re trying to detox the body. That’s because it has a lot of healthy properties, and makes for a better choice of fat than most of your other options. Just be sure not to cook with it at high heat. Use it as a salad dress to help things like dark leafy greens go down. Your best choice is always ice-pressed olive oil, but if you can find a very high quality cold-pressed olive oil, although not as nutritious, it will suffice provided the quality is high and not adulterated.


This ubiquitous kitchen staple is as healthy as it is tasty. It’s brimming with sulfur-containing amino acids, which efficiently detox the liver. Raw onions deliver the most health benefits. Even a small amount of “overpeeling” can result in unwanted loss of flavonoids. For example, a red onion can lose about 20% of its quercetin and almost 75% of its anthocyanins if it is “overpeeled”. Onions will soak up arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated foods. The total polyphenol content of onion is not only higher than its fellow allium vegetables, garlic and leeks, but also higher than tomatoes, carrots, and red bell pepper. Onions have been shown to inhibit the activity of macrophages, specialized white blood cells that play a key role in our body’s immune defense system, and one of their defense activities involves the triggering of large-scale inflammatory responses.


Those pretty green leaves don’t just make your plate look great. Parsley boasts plenty of beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and K to protect your kidneys and bladder. Diuretic herbs such as parsley prevent problems such as kidney stones and bladder infections and keep our body’s plumbing running smoothly by causing it to produce more urine. They also relieve bloating during menstruation. The flavonoids in parsley–especially luteolin–have been shown to function as antioxidants that combine with highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules (called oxygen radicals) and help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells. In addition, extracts from parsley have been used in animal studies to help increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood.


This tropical delight contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps cleanse your colon and improve digestion. Excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation of the blood, and certain types of tumor growth may all be reduced by bromelain. Two molecules isolated from an extract of crushed pineapple stems have even shown promise in fighting cancer growth.


Seaweed may be the most underrated vegetable in the Western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body so it can be removed. Radioactive waste can find its way into the body through some medical tests or through food that has been grown where water or soil is contaminated. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, it is a powerhouse of minerals and trace minerals. Seaweed extracts can help you lose weight, mostly body fat.


Sesame seeds’ phytosterols have beneficial effects which are so dramatic that they have been extracted from many foods and added to processed foods, such as “butter”-replacement spreads, which are then touted as cholesterol-lowering “foods.” But why settle for an imitation “butter” when Mother Nature’s nuts and seeds are a naturally rich source of phytosterols–and cardio-protective fiber, minerals and healthy fats as well? Sesame seeds contain minerals important in a number of antiinflammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems. Sesame represents one of the top 10 healthiest seeds on Earth.


Curcumin is the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, which gives it its yellow color. The rate at which your detox pathways function depends on your genes, your age, lifestyle and a good supply of nutrients involved in the detox process. Curcumin is used a lot in Ayurvedic Medicine to treat liver and digestive disorders. Turmeric has specifically been studied in relation to the positive effect that it has on the liver. As a high antioxidant spice, turmeric protects the body and prevents disease more effectively than drug based treatments and without the side effects.


Give your liver a big boost with cleansing action of watercress. If you’re into making smoothies for your detoxing this is a great one to blend up and drink down. This helps to release enzymes in the liver that clean it out and help rid it of toxic buildup. Eating watercress every day helps prevent breast cancer.


Wheatgrass restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice’s abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood and thus also Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver protector. It increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It also cleanses the organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass stimulates the metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body. Pound for pound, wheatgrass is more than twenty times denser in nutrients than other choice vegetables. Nutritionally, wheatgrass is a complete food that contains 98 of the 102 earth elements.


detox foods2

A Great Sour Cream Substitute – Avocado Dressing

avocado dressing

This is called a dressing and the first time I made it, that was my intended use…however, I immediately realized it was excellent as a dip and a sauce.

I no longer use sour cream, and I really, really miss it…well…this recipe is an excellent sour cream substitute…I love, love, love it!!!! It not only is good, it is good for you, it has all healthy ingredients, of course you need to purchase healthy ingredients which means organic, gluten free and no GMO…

It is also very good with chips as a dip and you could probably add other ingredients to spice/flavor it up for a dip, I haven’t done that as I just really like it just like the original.

Without further ado:

Avocado Salad Dressing

1 Large Avocado
2 tsp fresh lemon juice (fresh squeezed please)
½ C Greek Yogurt (no GMO…gluten free…from grass fed cows…active and live cultures…rBGH free
1 tsp organic hot sauce
¼ C Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Cloves of garlic
¾ tsp Himalayan Salt

Blend well in a blender then refrigerate

While making it be sure and say yummy sounds and sing yummy, yummy…good for my tummy and it will feel the love and taste even better…have fun!!!!

avocado sauce

Large Spice Company goes Organic and non-GMO


McCormick spices have decided that they want to join the clean food movement, meaning that the largest spice company in the world will be almost all organic and non-GMO by 2016!

Everywhere there is the news and awareness of organic fruits and vegetables; along with the clean processing and feeding of our meats and seafood, well we also need to become aware of our spices and seasonings that we use and consume.

We consume close to a billion pounds of spices per year and that number is growing as consumers become aware of the health benefits of many of the spices we use in our food preparations.

The processing of spices can be contaminated with toxins just like our foods. This has been dealt with by the United States by sterilizing the spices with toxic chemicals, the most common being ethylene oxide, which is a gas that leaves a residue on the spices that can be harmful to human health.

In fact workers who have prolonged exposure to the gas have suffered from cancer. The chemicals are so bad that they have been banned in many European countries and Japan, but not here in the United States.

By 2016 80 percent of McCormick’s products will have this new standard in their products, and will label their products so that consumers will know that they are eating non-GMO and organic spices.

Many of the company’s herbs are non-GMO already, but the company wants to be completely transparent on their labels. They also plan to release a new non-GMO vanilla extract that will compete with rival companies.

McCormick Spice Company moving to non-GMO, organic spices by 2016 will be updating their processing and will be using steam treatment instead of harmful chemicals to preserve their spices!

McCormick also wants its customers to know that they do not use irradiation and harmful chemicals on their spices, but instead preserve their spices through steam treatments already, so their next step in serving their customers will be to be organic and non-GMO.

They are making this announcement right before holiday cooking season. The company is hoping that their spices will make their way back into homes across the world as consumers grow to trust the company again!

spices health

Why I Went Gluten Free

GMO companies

Are you gluten intolerant or poison intolerant?

I went gluten free and organic with no GMO products when the light bulb went on what was being done to our food supplies here in the USA. I am going to just give you a small intro into the poison that is used to process our foods by the name of glyphosate and it is found in Roundup. Here goes…

There is a company called Monsanto they are the manufacturer of Roundup…

“Monsanto knows exactly what harm is being done to your gut by their RoundUp Ready GMOs. In 2003, Monsanto filed their application to patent glyphosate as an antibiotic/antimicrobial. The patent was granted in 2010. Studies show that glyphosate kills beneficial gut flora. 70%+ of our immune system resides in our gut. Kill the good stuff and the bad stuff can make you sick, overweight, or BOTH.”

This is why I went gluten free so I could control my beneficial gut flora and not eat the crops that are planted and harvest with Roundup…this is how it is done…

“While glyphosate goes hand in hand with GM agriculture, many people are unaware that glyphosate is also used on many non-GMO crops as a desiccant, ripening or drying agent. When these crops (such as wheat, barley, sugar cane, oats, lentils, edible peas, sunflowers, potatoes and cantaloupe) are nearly mature, farmers are allowed to spray glyphosate herbicides on the crop to kill the plant which causes it to dry down for a quicker harvest.”

All of this extends beyond the health of what we eat; it also includes the feeding of cattle and poultry, which in turn we eat also. The majority of American consumers who don’t even have the legal right to know through truthful labeling if they are eating GMOs, are consuming non-organic, Roundup Ready soy, canola, cottonseed or soy on a daily basis, and therefore are being exposed to glyphosate residues year round; additionally, animals fed Roundup sprayed GMO plants will bioaccumulate glyphosate and/or glyphosate metabolites, adding to the consumer’s bodily burden of these gut flora-altering, highly toxic chemicals.

This is why it is so important to know where your food items are coming from and what they have been fed, as leaky gut and many of current diseases that are at epidemic levels are caused by this chemical in our foods…it is criminal to say the least. There is much more to this story, I just want to have my readers become aware and to have them do their own research according to their own life styles.

Please stop using Roundup on your own property also; there are several recipes of essential oils and non toxic weed killers you can use that are not dangerous to your health and that of others.

Here are the countries that have banned GMO farming in them: Italy, Ireland, Scotland, France, Greece, Latvia, Germany, Iceland, Hungry, India, and Indonesia. What is important to know is that even though they don’t grow them, they can still import them, but they require labeling them as such.

Please be responsible and protect yourself and your family by getting informed on this information. I have included the companies owned by Monsanto that sell their GMO products. GMO = Generic Modified Organism

monsanto company

My Wellness Schedule


I have referred to my wellness schedule several times so thought it was about time to share that with you, you may be interested in some of it, all of it and/or none of it….giggles. So here goes…

First thing upon waking up I drink about an 8oz glass of water that I put by my bed before I go to bed and take Serrapeptase which is a supplement that clears out and keeps clear your veins of plaque etc, it is said that if you take this on a regular basis your chances of a stroke or heart attack is greatly reduced.

I don’t take anything for 30 minutes after I do this, then I fix my coffee and sit in the sun and/or porch for at least 20 minutes, then I come in and fix my collagen drink, which is 2T of fresh squeezed lemon juice; 1 scoop of collagen powder; and about 1 to 2 T of structured water…shake really well until the powder is mixed with the liquid.

Then I take two ice cubes to put at the nap of my neck, my drink and turn on my DNA Repair meditation tone, I drink the drink and apply the ice cubes and listen to the meditation which takes about 40 min.

Then I fix my detox drink which consists of 2T of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2T of Braggi Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, a couple dashes of cayenne pepper, mix very well and drink…(shiver and shake your head…giggle). Wait 30 minutes and then you are ready to eat…

Eating means a smoothie…this is what mine consists of; at least ¼ c of blueberries (I freeze them so they sort of act like ice cubes) ¼ c of coconut milk; 1tsp of cinnamon, 1tsp of coconut sugar, 1T of sprouted flax powder, 1 scoop of grass fed-gluten free-gmo free-whey powder, 1 scoop of green veggie and fruit powder again gluten free-gmo free-organic-raw, add a splash of structured water if too thick..blend in blender until completely mixed.

Then I take my supplements after the smoothie; I am not going to list those as supplements are a very individual thing according to each person.

While drinking/eating this I listen to vibrational tone music for healing myself and the world, this takes about 30 to 40 minutes.

In between everything, somewhere I squeeze in oil pulling and spraying magnesium oil on…by 1:00 I am ready to go…giggles

I am healed and the world is healed…this is how I spend my time in my 8X10 sanctuary…holding the love and light for all of us. I love you all!!!!!


Inner Child Food Play Day

About three months ago I carved myself out a very detailed health routine which I have followed to the letter, with that said, I give myself one day a week off from that routine, today happened to be that day…AND my inner child said I want something really good and oooy and gooy good, from brunch to dessert. Now on my day off I still follow my healthy eating habits, I just don’t time everything and I snack etc.

So I started a dialogue with Misi, that is my inner child’s name, and she said for three months I haven’t had one of my favorite foods, not one…and she sort of stomped her feet…giggle…so off to the store we went, thank gawd she didn’t insist on a fast food place, I found dessert first…I knew that would make her happy, they (sprouts farmers market) had flax muffins(GMO free, Gluten Free, no preservatives, no trans fat, no dairy, no hydrogenated fat, AND aluminum free baking powder…now this company knows their stuff…I got the chunky chocolate chip…and when we got home they were/are delicious…I mean really, really good, and not just because I hadn’t had anything like this for three months…I mean REALLY good…thank you, thank you, thank you Sprouts.

So yes, we had dessert first, we had one muffin and fresh beet drink that sprouts make fresh. Then I fixed a mashed potato medley, I don’t have a “kitchen” so I make do with miscellaneous appliances, of which one of them is an electric rice bowl, I bought organic instant potatoes, used structured water, coconut milk, grass fed organic butter to make the potatoes; added green onion chives, organic canned corn, garlic, dill weed, ginger, longhorn cheese, and ham with no nitrates and no hormones etc.

Misi and I sat down and savored every bite…going mmmm, mmmm, gee this is good…thank you, thank you, thank you, she was skipping around and just having a ball, her favorite beverage of choice for a carbonated drink is/was Dr. Pepper, and of course she NEVER gets that anymore, but her second choice is Sambazon Acai Berry Energy Drink, which she does get from time to time, it is $2.89 a can so just special times she is awarded this privilege, it is fizzy and it tickles her nose…she loves it!!!!

So Misi and I had a wonderful day off from the health routine and loved, loved it very much and we are both here with big smiles and grateful hearts and we still stayed within the healthy eating boundaries…even tho I gave myself permission not to stay in the boundaries…amazing how that works…AND a big shout out to the companies that make/made this possible and the stores that carry it for us.

inner child

Essential Oils and Reflexology

When I first was introduced to essential oils I had my doubts that they could be so effective, however, my doubts have been squelched and I am now a firm advocate of them. One thing to remember is that the oils need to be therapeutic grade and the most popular place to find this kind is online.

The next thing to know is that many times the results are not immediate and the results can be subtle, however, if you are consistent, the results will be there for you.

When I was four I contracted polio and have worked with that physical limitation all of my life, I refer to myself as physically challenged not handicapped and today I keep myself healthy thru natural and holistic methods. I don’t take any medications, not even aspirin – I am happy, joyful and free with my lifestyle.

With that said…I do have what I call discomfort (others use the term pain – I don’t use that term as I am of the understanding that my body reacts to what I say) and how I am dealing with my discomforts is with essential oils and grounding, today I am going to talk about essential oils.

This is my recipe for Comfort Oil that I use:

5 drops Cypress
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Helichrysum
5 drops Bergamot
5 drops Cedarwood

This goes in a carrier oil of Fractionated Organic Therapeutic Grade Coconut Oil, which I put in a refillable roll on bottle and apply it to the bottoms of my feet every night at bedtime and then put socks on. When I apply it to the bottom of my feet it is massaged and kneaded in the areas of the reflexology points that are shown on the photo below, prior to putting the socks on.

Why the feet?

There are 4,000 pores on the bottom of our feet, when essential oils are applied to the bottom of the feet it hits your blood stream in 30 seconds and goes into each cell in 20 minutes. The oil can pass through the lipid membrane of the cell because it’s made of oil. This is why sometimes you won’t get immediate relief, because it will go where it is needed the most, your body knows what it needs.

Inflammation is one of the key reasons for discomfort and diet is another way of reducing discomfort. Essential oils are paramount in reducing inflammation and so is your diet.
My diet is gluten free, dairy free, organic, sugar free, all natural whole foods, you may go… geez what does she eat…I have done my research and I can substitute good food for me and still eat most of my “favorites” and still eat healthy.

With these two areas I have controlled my discomfort level by 75% and remained healthy with no medications. This can be done also if you are on medications, as healthy eating and essential oils will not interfere with your medications, it will just help you feel better and your body will love you for it.

Then you add grounding/earthing to these equations…you have super power…giggle. Have fun with your new found health….have fun with it!!!!!

COCONUT OIL – Healthy and Amazing Oil for Many Uses

Coconut oil is predominantly a medium-chain fatty acid; it is this that makes coconut oil special because these fatty acids do not have a negative effect on cholesterol. In fact, they are known to lower the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Another great benefit of coconut oil is that the liver and gall bladder do not need to digest and emulsify medium-chain fatty acid, which means it creates instant energy, increased metabolic rate and subsequently more heat production as well as increased circulation. Anyone with an impaired fat digestion or removed gallbladder will benefit from coconut oil as this oil is easily digested.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which has many health benefits, the way the body converts coconut oil in the body which makes it highly toxic to viruses, bacteria, funguses and other microorganisms and can actually destroy them. Lauric acid cannot be produced by the body. Breast milk is the only other source of lauric acid, which could explain why there are lesser incidents of infections with breast-fed infants. It has also been observed that regular consumption of coconut oil boosts immunity and reduces incidences of sickness.

The health benefits of coconut oil

Hair care – coconut oil has a small molecular structure allowing it to pass into the hair cell membrane, the oil then penetrates the hair shaft; this creates deep conditioning from within the hair strand compared to other conditioners that work from the outside in.

Dandruff – Massaging coconut into scalp can offer relief from dandruff. Dandruff is caused by dry skin or an internal fungal condition that reached the scalp.–with regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus and eliminate dandruff issues. For deep hair conditioning, a teaspoon or two on damp hair left for as long as possible can give an ultra-nice shine. Leave it on overnight for best results.

Skin care – Coconut oil is an excellent skin conditioner which can deeply penetrate, moisturize and acts as a protective barrier against environmental and free radical damage. The oil also provides sun protection by screening 20 percent of ultraviolet exposure, which is a benefit over the commercial sunscreens which actually do more harm than good.

Weight loss – coconut oil can speed up metabolism faster as they are easily digested and converted into energy.

Diabetes, Hearts Disease, Chronic Fatigue – Lowers risk of diabetes, heart disease and improves cholesterol levels – Assists in bone health and chronic fatigue, coconut oil produces energy rather than body fat, thereby improving metabolism and preventing fatigue. The oil has also been shown to destroy organisms in the body that sap its strength and contribute to the condition of fatigue.

Oil Pulling – Take a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for at least 5 minutes, suggested time is 20 minutes, and this will remove bacteria etc from your mouth and also eliminate any pain in the mouth including tooth aches.

Others Uses – aside from the health benefits mentioned earlier the following health benefits have been attributed to the beneficial use of coconut oil:

• Protects against cancer and HIV and other infectious diseases
• Kills bacteria and parasites like tape worm and liver flukes
• Eases acid reflux, aids in proper bowel function
• Lowers incidence of hemorrhoids
• Heals and relieves intestinal problems
• Soothes earaches
• Deals with symptoms connected with prostate enlargement
• Strengthens the liver and protects against degeneration
• Reduces incidence of epileptic seizures
• Reduces joint and muscle inflammation
• Eases neuropathies and itching from diabetes.

Be sure when you purchase coconut oil that it is virgin and organic, the best is cold pressed but sometimes it is hard to find in local retail stores and markets, but it is available online. Another thing about coconut oil is that it is tolerant to high heat temperatures without ruining it healthy properties.

I use coconut sugar, flour, amino acids, milk, water and I feel so much healthier and slowly my weight is coming off and I don’t feel deprived of so many of things I love.

Coconut Oil

Full Moon Care of Your Body

people suffering from flares-ups of certain health symptoms….This is natural and explains what happens around a full moon…

Many forget the connection and what happens on a cellular level..if you can remember this in future you can protect yourselves and be fore-warned of particular symptoms arising.

As we are 70% water, around the full moon a pull occurs on a cellular level. We are not separate from nature. This pull on the cells causes a release of inflammation-causing acidic sodium along with mucus and toxins to come out of the cells into the blood and lymph creating havoc and challenges..

This is done actually to help create a cleanse on the cellular level and tradionally indigenous cultures would use this time to sweat out this exess acidity via the 3rd kidney..the skin..by dancing around the camp fire and taking special herbs, concoctions and fasting…

The body always works for you and not against…so always use this time to help your body remove toxicity and cleanse you by keeping hydration to a maximum taking soaked linseeds or soaked linseed water (See Lucys Luscious Health and Beauty)..and not juicing or pushing too many alkalising raw foods into the system as this will push out more toxicity and make you worse…

Soups, stewed apples, live yoghurt, brown rice and cooked vegetables and greens are all you need to be consuming at this time…Unless you are on a special detox diet where you are sweating and doing enemas then be gentle with yourselves…

You will see colleagues, friends and family around you getting ill…colds especially, as this junk moves into the lymph and causes that achy feeling

Where ever the toxicity has moved it will indicate a symptom so if in the blood a headache or migraine attack is more likely…

As the sodium moves through the body it creates a drop in blood sugar levels and causes an emotional challenge as well..resulting in people reaching out for synthetic prostaglandins to reassure the mind/body. Synthetic prostaglandins are drugs such as alcohol, coffee, sugar, chocolate, weed or the heavier more challenging drugs…all will give short term relief but will not help the body or move you forward on your healing journey…

The new moon…new beginnings….is the time to really work on gently cleansing but full moons are all about hydration, sweating, diets high in gentle fibre ( your internal broom) such as the linseeds to help remove these toxins, high doses of omega 3 to calm inflammation and then you are on your way.